Contact wires made of copper and its alloys are used in the railway contact network to transmit power to the electric rolling stock. The contact wire must have high strength, have good electrical conductivity, be wear-resistant, resistant to corrosion. They are made of copper or copper with additives, increasing strength.
The code of the TN VED ЕAES: 8544; 7407
Normative documents: These devices must comply with the requirements of clauses 5b, 7, 12, 16, 24a, 24b of Article 4 of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 003/2011 “On the safety of the railway transport infrastructure”. They are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 55647-2013 “Wires made of copper and its alloys for electrified railways. Technical conditions ».
Recommended schemes for certification of contact wires made of copper and its alloys:
The cost of certification of contact copper wires for the railway contact network consists of the cost of the main work, as well as tests of selected samples of a certain type. And it depends on the certification scheme chosen by the applicant.