Elastic spring travel elements are designed for fastening the rail to the sleeper and giving elasticity. Are made of steel.
The TN VED code of the EAES: 7302; 7318; 7320
Normative documents: These devices must comply with the requirements of clauses 7, 12, 16, 23a, 23b of Article 4 of the technical regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 003/2011 “On the safety of the railway transport infrastructure”. They are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21797-2014 “Spring washers double-turn for the railway track. Technical conditions “, GOST 3057-90” Springs diskellate. General specifications. “
Recommended certification schemes for elastic spring elements:
The cost of work on the certification of elastic spring track elements consists of the cost of the main work for certification, as well as tests of selected samples of a certain type. And it depends on the certification scheme chosen by the applicant.